American Idol 10 Top 12 - Songs From The Year They Were Born

Oleh: welly - 18 Mar 2011

Kembali, Jimmy Iovine dan tim produsernya menuntun para peserta dalam membuat interpretasi mereka ke lagu-lagu yang menjadi tema minggu ini: lagu dari tahun kelahiran. Lagu-lagu yang mereka nyanyikan luar biasa hebat dan beragam, namun lebih banyak penampilan yang kurang memukau di awal. Dan bagaimana Top 12 ini berjalan?


Naima Adedapo – 1984 – “What’s Love Got to Do With It” by Tina Turner – Producer: Rodney Jerkins.

ST: “You got a sorcerers grasp of melody girl. I just loved it.”

JL: “You bring your specific flavor to everything I love that. I gave you a pass on your pitchiness last week. Now I’m seeing that you are consistently pitchy. You need to work on that.”

RJ: “You’re still always under the pitch. I rewatched last week, it wasn’t good. [tonight] the vocals were all over the place.”

AI: Satu yang pasti, semangat Naima enggak turun meskipun penampilannya sangat dikritik berdasarkan ketepatan nada yang dinyanyikan. Naima harus kuatir di result show besok malam. (6/10)


Paul McDonald – 1984 – “I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues” by Elton John

JL: “I feel you. You were struggling up there. You have so much soul and star quality you overcame that.”

RJ: “I differ…some of the notes were very pitchy. The thing about you I really like…you’re like Ray Montagne, you make the song your own. Get the notes right.”

ST: “You define a cool dude in a loose mood. Your swagger is way cool. You’re….very distinctive.”

AI: Aku suka lagunya, hanya bagaimana lagu ini dinyanyikan dengan cara Paul menjadi agak aneh. Tapi Paul enggak usah kuatir akan result, dia punya fans setia yang banyaknya minta ampun. (6/10)


Thia Megia – 1995 – “Colors of the Wind” by Vanessa Williams

RJ: “I think the vocals were OK. this was very boring, I thought I was at some pageant somewhere. Dig a little deeper. Take some chances.”

ST: “Is that song who you think you are?”

JL: “When we first saw you, we loved the quality and tone of your voice. It’s a little safe. I hear nervousness in your vibrato. Push out of the box.”

AI: Thia harus menemukan lagu yang memang pas untuk vokalnya. Yang ini benar-benar biasa-biasa saja. (6/10)


James Durbin – “I’ll Be There for You” by Bon Jovi – Producer: Tricky

ST: “What was up with the dolls? I got left over sandwiches older than that. Don’t get too poppy than me.”

JL: “Every time you get up there I love it.”

RJ: “Listen man, there were a couple of pitch spots, but what you do always, is find a way to make it your own. Very tastefully done.”

AI: Dengan tampilnya James Durbin, acara ini seperti baru dimulai. James menguasai lagunya, James menguasai panggungnya. (8/10)


Haley Reinhart – 1990 – “I’m Your Baby Tonight” by Whitney Houston – Producer: Jimmy Iovine

JL: “When I see you performing up there, I see this amazing voice. I see that you’re still tense in your body. Don’t force anything. That’s going to look better than trying to perform.”

RJ: “I’m a little confused here. I’m not sure you’re sure who you are. You’ve got to find that out. It wasn’t a great performance.”

ST: “That was sweet and tough. The first time I heard you I heard your Janis Joplin voice and I’ve been waiting for that. Dig into the blues a little more.”

AI: Saya mulai dongkol dengan juri yang enggak memberi solusi buat cewek ini. Mereka bertiga seperti kompak menganaktirikannya. Randy terus memaksanya untuk kebingungan memilih lagu setiap minggu. Dan Jennifer enggak pernah puas dengan stage act-nya. I love this b*tch, people! Meskipun dia mengalami lipstick massacre di atas panggung! (8/10)


Stefano Langone – 1989 – If You Don’t Know Me By Now” by Simply Red

RJ: “The best performance of the night so far. He took a song with the highest degree of difficulty and slayed it.”

ST: “great phrasing…over the top…Beautiful.”

JL: “You could take this thing.”

AI: Penampilan Stefano menunjukkan kelasnya. (9.9/10)


Pia Toscano – 1988 – “Where do Broken Hearts Go” by Whitney Houston

ST: “You are why this show is called American Idol. You nailed it.”

JL: “I was so glad to hear you go up-tempo. It was perfect for you.”

RJ: “Every week you bring amazing vocals. Pia is in it to win this competition.”

AI: Kejutan dari Pia! Bukan kejutan kalau dia menyanyikan lagu Whitney, tapi kejutan versi yang dinyanyikannya. Pia harus menang tahun ini. Amin! (9.9/10)


Scotty McCreery - 1995 – “Can I Trust You With My Heart” by Travis Tritt

JL: “You pushed it out a little more there at the end. Keep growing keep learning.”

RJ: “I’m so glad you sang a song by one of my friends. You know who you are. Sing bigger, longer, higher notes.”

ST: “Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’re going to go places.”

AI: Ini seperti judul lagunya Christina Aguilera, 'Keeps Gettin' Better'. Kalau dia terlalumembawakan lagu-lagu country tradisional mungkin bisa membawa kebosanan pada penonton. Dan usahanya untuk menjadi lebih baik sangat memuaskan minggu ini. (9/10)


Karen Rodriguez – 1989 – “Love Will Lead You Back” by Taylor Dayne

RJ: "Definitely better than last week. I’m not jumping up and down, but welcome back.”

ST: “I like your ethnic…”

JL: “I could tell you were a little scared, but you attacked it. That’s what you have to do. If you are nervous about certain notes, don’t go there. Perform that song from your heart.”

AI: Bagaimana menyebutnya ya. Karen Rodriguez bergerak dari salah satu vokalis cewek handal menjadi vokalis cewek terlemah di kompetisi ini. Dan kostum yang dikenakannya minggu ini seolah dia hendak memerangi kejahatan. (6/10)


Casey Abrams – 1991 – “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana

ST: “You’re so crazy and you’re so talented. That’s the goop great stuff is made of.”

JL: “That’s some big shoes to fill with that song. There were parts that got a little screechy screamy. I wish it would have been more pleasant.”

RJ: “What I love about you…you love taking risks. You put art first ahead of commerce. Not your best performance, but I like that you’re fearless.”

AI: Casey Abrams dan dunianya. Ini bentuk pujian lho. Karena dia membawakan lagu Nirvana untuk pertama kalinya di panggung American Idol, tapi untuk kesekian kalinya melakukan taking chances. Di beberapa lirik, dia meneriakkan, bukan menyanyikannya. Tapi, I like it. (9/10)


Lauren Alaina – 1994 – “I’m the Only One” by Melissa Etheridge – Producer: Jim Jonsin

JL: “Very nice. That’s staying true to the framework of the song, but making it your own.”

RJ: “That was very nice. Have a cold every week. I liked it.”

ST: “You did it again. You’re a shining star.”

AI: Penampilan ini asyik, sungguh asyik. Tapi yang enggak asyik adalah menonton Lauren Alaina berakting lugu, karena itu sangat menyedihkan. Lebih fokus ke nyanyiannya ketimbang tingkahnya. Lauren Alaina is good. (8/10)


Jacob Lusk – 1987 – “Alone” by Heart

RJ: “Very very nice performance. Jacob is in it to win it.”

ST: “Your momma gave you the moxie to be who your are.”

JL: “You give yourself completely to every performance. It’s so amazing.”

AI: Tuhan menjawab do'a kita yang tersiksa kala menyaksikan akrobat vokal sekaligus senam muka Jacob selama ini. Bukan dengan mengeliminir hal tersebut, toh juri juga encourage dia untuk tetap begitu, tapi paling tidak meminimalisir. Suaranya dengan lagu indah ini benar-benar enggak matching. Tapi atas perlakuan "out of the box", it's relevant. (8/10)

Prediksi, prediksi, prediksi. Lagi-lagi cewek yang akan menghuni 3 terbawah: Naima, Haley, dan Karen. Naima selamat, Haley dan Karen di 2 terbawah. Haley selamat (mudah-mudahan) dan Karen tersisih. Dia menyanyi lagi untuk penyelamatan dari juri, dan juri bilang "enggak".

Perhatian: dalam rangka membantu korban gempa dan tsunami di Jepang, download lagu American Idol di iTunes akan menjadi ajang amal yang oke. Karena keuntungan yang mereka peroleh akan disumbangkan ke Palang Merah Amerika untuk diteruskan ke pemulihan gempa dan tsunami tersebut.


Bottom 3: Haley, Naima dan Karen!

Penampilan dari Lee DeWyze dan The Black Eyed Peas

yang harus keluar adalah Karen Rodriguez!

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