Jack Johnson Goes Under The Sea

Oleh: welly - 06 Mar 2010


Singer-songwriter Jack Johnson, sudah siap untuk merelease album studio ke-5nya yang berjudul "To The Sea", yang menyusul kesuksesan album sebelumnya, "Sleep Through The Static" yang rilis thn 2008 lalu. Album barunya ini sudah direkam selama 3 minggu di studio milik Jack Johnson di Hawaii yang memakai tenaga matahari.

Mengenai judul album ini, Jack Johnson bilang ke MTV News, "a reference to a father leading his son to the sea, with the water representing the subconscious. So it's about trying to go beneath the surface and understand yourself. I have three kids ... so the album is about that. It's both me as a son of my own father and me looking down at my kids. I'm 34, right at this transition of still feeling like a child sometimes, but other times feeling like a father, and finding the father in myself. It's all about those things."

So, tunggu aja album yang bakal rilis tanggal 1 Juni ini dengan single pertama "You and Your Heart" yang bakal diputar di radio2 bulan April mendatang. Gimana dengan nuansa musiknya? Jack dengan baik hati menyampaikan, "at some point, some of the books I was reading started leading me in a certain direction, kind of like this broken king character. That area you get in sometimes, where you stop trusting your heart and you start thinking too much about logic and this and that. So it's basically about that separation that can happen between the self and the heart and trying to trust your heart again."

Sebagai promosi album barunya nanti, Jack Johnson bakal mengadakan tour ke Australia dan Hawii di bulan April, lalu ke Eropa di bulan Juni-Juli. Yah, semoga mampir ke Indonesia juga yah, disini kita juga punya pantai yang bagus2 di Bali buat surfing! hehehe...

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