Dengar Kolaborasi Coldplay Bersama Gwyneth Paltrow, ‘Everglow’

Oleh: admincd - 28 Nov 2015

Ternyata memang benar adanya jika mantan istri Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow, juga turut menjadi rekan kolaborator Coldplay untuk salah satu lagu di album “A Head Full Of Dream”, yang akan rilis tanggal 4 Desember. Paltrow, aktris pemenang Oscar dan pemeran serial “Glee” ini hadir di sebuah lagu yang berjudul ‘Everglow’.

Tepat sebelum Thanksgiving, Coldplay singgah di acara Zane Lowe di radio Beats 1 untuk melakukan premiere ‘Everglow’. Di kesempatan itu Martin juga menyebutkan apa yang menjadi inspirasi untuk lagu balada yang diiringi piano tersebut.

"I was in the ocean one day with this surfer guy," ungkapnya. "He was like, 'Yo dude, I was doing this thing the other day, man. It gave me this total everglow!' I was like, 'What an amazing word!' Then the song came completely out."

"To me, it's about - whether it-s a loved one or a situation or a friend or a relationship that's finished, or someone's passed away - I was thinking about, after you've been through the sadness of something, you also get this everglow. That's what it's about," jelas Martin lebih lanjut.

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