Sebut Musik One Direction Generik, Simon Cowell Sebut Zayn Malik "Kasar"

Oleh: admincd - 22 Dec 2015

Apakah ada bad blood antara Zayn Malik dengan boyband yang dulu membesarkan namanya, One Direction, setelah ia keluar di bulan Maret lalu?

Entahlah. Tapi yang pasti dalam sesi wawancara bersama Fader Magazine dimana ia tampil sebagai covernya. Dalam wawancara tersebut ia menyebutkan  jika musik 1D "generic as f****,".

"There was never any room for me to experiment creatively in the band,” ungkap Malik dalam majalah untuk edisi terbitan Desember/Januari tersebut. "If I would sing a hook or a verse slightly R&B, or slightly myself, it would always be recorded 50 times until there was a straight version that was pop, generic as f***, so they could use that version. Whenever I would suggest something, it was like it didn’t fit us. There was just a general conception that the management already had of what they want for the band, and I just wasn’t convinced with what we were selling. I wasn’t 100 percent behind the music. It wasn’t me. It was music that was already given to us, and we were told this is what is going to sell to these people. As much as we were the biggest, most famous boy band in the world, it felt weird. We were told to be happy about something that we weren’t happy about."

Yang pasti, Simon Cowell yang merupakan sosok berada di belakang sukses One Direction tidak begitu senang dengan komentar Malik ini. Ia menyebut Malik "kasar", sebagaimana yang dilansir dari The Mirror.

"I think once he has had a chance to reflect on everything he will probably reconsider what he’s said because it was a very, very democratic process in the band," kata Cowell. "It is a bit rude to the people who wrote all the hits with them."

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