Haim telah membatalkan semua jadwal konser mereka di Eropa.
Band kakak-beradik ini sedianya akan melangsungkan beberapa pertunjukkan di musim panas ini, termasuk di acara Reading and Leeds Festival bulan depan. Namun mereka baru saja mengumumkan akan membatalkan rencana mereka berkunjung ke Eropa karena ingin memfokuskan diri dalam menyelesaikan album baru.
"We'd hoped to be done with recording but as it turns out, we're at a critical point of finishing up and need to stay close to home until it's complete," sebagaimana yang mereka tulis di Twitter. "Unfortunately, we need to cancel our European performances including Wayout West, Tivoli, Oya, Frequency, Krakow, Zurich Openair, Reading & Leeds and Electric Picnic. We hate to disappoint you guys that had plans to come see us and promise we'll be back in the near future to share our new music with you."
we are so sorry to announce we will not be coming to Europe this summer pic.twitter.com/ca9uWlOuj9
— HAIM (@HAIMtheband) July 20, 2016
Album terakhir Haim adalah "Days Are Gone" yang dirilis di tahun 2013 dan duduk di nomor 6 di Amerika dan nomor 1 di Inggris.