Demi Lovato Umumkan Akan Hiatus Di Tahun 2017

Oleh: admincd - 06 Oct 2016

Demi Lovato mengumumkan jika ia akan melakukan hiatus di tahun 2017 mendatang. Penyanyi 'Cool for the Summer' ini mengumumkan hal ini melalui Twitter pada Selasa pagi, 4 Oktober, dengan menyebutkan jika ia akan beristirahat dari "dunia musik dan spotlight".

"So excited for 2017. Taking a break from music and the spotlight.. I am not meant for this business and the media," tulis Demi dengan menyertai sebuah emoji tangan melambai. Saat seorang fan menanyakan kapan ia akan kembali lagi aktif bermusik, Demi menjawab, "Dunno. It doesn't feel worth it anymore. I'd rather do charity work tbh."

Pengumuman ini muncul setelah Demi mengkritik Taylor Swift karena menyerang Katy Perry dalam lagunya, 'Bad Blood', dalam sebuah wawancara bersama Glamour. "I think that having a song and a video about tearing Katy Perry down, that's not women's empowerment," sebutnya. "We all do things that aren't, but I have to ask myself, Am I content with calling myself a feminist? Yes, because I speak out."

Setelahnya Demi pun mendapat banyak hujatan akan opininya ini. Demi pun membela dirinya, dengan menyebutkan, "I get asked questions. I answer them. Sue me. Also don't forget that words can be taken out of context when doing interviews.. still not apologizing for saying what everyone want to say. I don't understand why people care so much about what I say in interviews? Do y'all watch the news? Don't y'all got shit to worry about?"

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