Miley Cyrus Menyesali Komentar Masa Lalunya Tentang Hip-Hop

Oleh: admincd - 14 Jun 2019

Miley Cyrus telah meminta maaf untuk komentar kontroversialnya tentang lirik dalam lagu hip-hop di beberapa tahun lalu. Tepatnya di tahun 2017, saat sang penyanyi dan bintang film ini membuat heboh saat mengungkap tentang kesukaannya pada lagu 'Humble' milik Kendrick Lamar.

Kepada Billboard saat itu Miley agak merendahkan lirik lagu-lagu hip-hop yang dianggapnya vulgar dan materliatistis serta misoginis, sehingga ia terdorong untuk keluar dari skena musik ini.

Menyusul komentarnya ini, sebuah video yang diposting oleh YouTuber bernama As Told By Kenya menuduhnya "bermasalah" karena dianggapnya berbau rasis. Miley kemudian memposting pernyataan minta maafnya di seksi komentar postingan ini.

Berikut pernyataan Miley:

"Just watched your video. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak up. Being silent is not like me at all. I am aware of my platform and have always used it the best way I know how and to shine a light on injustice. I want to start with saying I am sorry. I own the fact that saying … ‘this pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little’ was insensitive as it is a privilege to have the ability to dip in and out of ‘the scene’.

“There are decades of inequality that I am aware of, but still have a lot learn about. Silence is apart of the problem and I refuse to be quiet anymore. My words became a divider in a time where togetherness and unity is crucial.

“I can not change what I said at that time , but I can say I am deeply sorry for the disconnect my words caused. Simply said ‘I fucked up and I sincerely apologize’. I’m committed to using my voice for healing, change, and standing up for what’s right. Miley."

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