American Idol 10: Top 12 Boys

Oleh: aihasibuan - 03 Mar 2011

Dari 24 semifinalis yang terdiri dari 12 cewek dan 12 cowok, angka ini akan disusutkan menjadi 10 yang terdiri dari 5 cewek dan 5 cowok untuk menghuni kursi yang tersedia di putaran final. Itu artinya, hanya ada 1 kesempatan untuk tampil memukau atau tampil hancur lebur bagi para semifinalis ini. Hanya satu penampilan yang akan menjadi dasar keputusan para pemirsa untuk memilih, apakah mereka akan lanjut atau tersisih. Tahun ini juga, selain line telepon dan SMS, pihak penyelenggara juga memberlakukan online voting dari dalam jangka waktu yang ditetapkan sama dengan line voting lain. Fokus kajian kita kali ini adalah 12 besar cowok yang tampil di atas panggung semifinal yang lebih besar dan penonton yang lebih banyak.

ST: Steven Tyler

JL: Jennifer Lopez

RJ: Randy Jackson

AI : Ai Hasibuan

Clint Jun Gamboa – Superstition by Stevie Wonder

ST: started out strong, you ended strong. Brilliant.

JL: You got it out…you had a little bit of the jitters, but it didn’t affect the performance. Next time…I expect a lot.

RJ: I loved it too. There’s no karaoke singer in the world that has that kind of vocal talent.

AI: Dengan kewenangan memilih lagu apapun yang mau dinyanyikan, pilihan lagunya benar-benar kacau. Dia tampak jinak dan penampilannya benar-benar biasa saja. Lagu ini tidak menunjukkan kualitas bintang baginya. (6/10)

Jovany Barreto – I’ll Be by Edwin McCain

ST: You brought it again. Beautiful. I loved it.

JL: I’m happy right now. People got to see you for the first time. You did it.

RJ: I hate to be the one to break up the apple cart. It felt very karaoke to me. (J.Lo protes)

AI: I personally love the song. Menurutku Jovanny menyanyikan dengan indah. I am the greatest fan of his life, then! (7/10)

Jordan Dorsey – OMG by Usher

ST: You had the moves, but it wasn’t my favorite performance of yours.

JL: You know I love you. To me, I’m not sure that’s who you are as an artist.

RJ: If you’re going to sing anybody else’s song, you’ve got to bring something different to it. It was pitchy, I’m not a jumpy kind of person.

AI: Jordan menghancurkan kesempatannya untuk menjadi idola. Pilihan lagunya terlalu berani dan melihat ketidakseriusannya dalam kompetisi ini memang seharusnya tempat itu diberikan kepada Colton Dixon atau Jacee Badeaux. (4/10)

Tim Halperin – Streetcorner Symphony (Come On Over) (Rob Thomas)

ST: I’m not sure that song did you any justice. It really let you down.

JL: I don’t think that’s your strength. It didn’t show America who you really are. You have one of the most beautiful voices.

RJ: I think you’ve been much better before, You didn’t bring anything different.

AI: Aku setuju dengan para juri. Dia bisa lebih baik. Dan entah apa memilih lagu yang tidak mengekspos kemampuan vokalnya. Tim patut kuatir di result show nanti. (5/10)

Brett Loewenstern – Light My Fire – Doors

ST: You did it again. You brought it home.

JL: There was more hair tossing than me and Beyonce in the last 10 years! I liked your performance.

RJ: There were 14 hair shakes. The vocals had some pitch problems in the beginning…you’re definitely fun and bold.

AI: Dia tetap melakukan gerakan Willow Smith back and forth back and forth back and forth dan itu enggak asyik. I can't tell you about the singing, karena dikelabui dengan dia whip his hair back and fort back and forth back and forth. (5/10)

James Durbin – You Got Another Thing Comin’ by Judas Priest

ST: That was fucking crazy good! That’s the first Judas Preist song ever on this show. I love it that you’re over the top.

JL: James, I love the way you perform. It’s organic, it’s real. It comes from something inside. You do it so naturally. Crazy.

RJ: This is how you do it right there. This is how you do it! You didn’t over do the high thing, you were nice and tasty with it.

AI: Ini penampilan paling nyaman di panggung sejauh ini. Dan bisa dipastikan James Durbin ada di putaran final. I love it, he's hot! (9/10)

Robbie Rosen – Arms of an Angel by Sarah McLachlan

ST: You can sing a ballad like nobody’s business. That was a beautiful thing.

JL: I've said this to you before. You tell a story. You feel every single word. You make choices that I loved better [than Sara's].

RJ: I kind of differ. The notes were pitchy, you were never quite comfortable in this performance…it didn’t quite all connect.

AI: Penampilannya bagus, tapi gema yang digunakan merusak keindahan penampilannya. Dan ada apa dengan Randy Jackson? Apa dia berusaha menjadi pengganti Simon Cowell? (8/10)

Scott McCreery – Letters From Home – John Michael Montgomery

ST: Scotty you’re going to be getting a lot of letters from home soon. That was so beautiful.

JL: You are born to sing country music.

RJ: Loved that you switched it up. You’re a throw back country guy. You love country. I love the lowness in your voice.

AI: It was great. Tapi tunggu sampai dia harus menyanyikan lagu-lagu dalam tema yang ditentukan. (8/10)

Stefano Langone – Just The Way You Are – (Bruno Mars)

ST: I like the way your voice cut through the air in the room. You are so good.

JL: You’re so consistent. There’s nothing awkward about you up there. You’re a beast up there.

RJ: That’s how you do it. This kid could be on the radio right now.


Paul McDonald – Maggie Mae by Rod Stewart

ST: There it is. It’s all about the jacket! You got a real character about your voice. I love that chacter in you.

JL: You have real character in the way you move to. You smile lights up the whole place. You bring joy to the world.

RJ: One of the things I love about you…you were so unique and different. I’m glad that Idol can embrace this kind of singer…quirky and different.

AI: Para juri benar, dia berada di liga yang lain dengan kontestan lain. He's a star! (9.9/10)

Jacob Lusk – House is Not a Home by Luther Vandross

ST: You made me cry when you sing.

JL: Luther Vandross's gone, but we have you.

RJ: Luther would be so proud of you, I don’t think there’s anything you can’t do.

AI: Ternyata memang pembawaannya yang lebay. Best male vocal performance, but I still don't like it. (9/10)

Casey Abrams – I Put a Spell On You

ST: Casey, Casey, you are in your mind good and out of your mind good…girls, what do you think about this man? As good as it gets.

JL: You’re sexy casey. You’re going to redefine this whole thing. Casey wants it bad. I loved. it.

RJ: I loved how you transformed yourself into the spirit of that song. More More More.

AI: Aku sangat ingin menyukai penampilannya, tapi enggak bisa. Ini memang penampilannya yang solid, tapi aku ga bisa menikmatinya. (8/10)

Kita lihat 2 hari ke depan, siapa yang akan melaju dalam pengumuman di result. Prediksiku, harga mati bagi James Durbin, Jacob Lusk, dan Casey Abrams untuk berada di putaran final, dan sisa 2 tempat lagi bisa jadi untuk Brett/Stafano/Paul/Scotty/Robbie. Tapi masih ada tempat untuk yang tersisih memperebutkan wildcard.
