American Idol Akan Berakhir Di Musim Ke-15 Tahun 2016

Oleh: admincd - 14 May 2015

American Idol akan kembali tahun depan, tapi sayangnya untuk yang terakhir.

Fox mengumumkan Senin kemarin jika mereka akan kembali menghadirkan American Idol dalam musim terbarunya dan barisan juri seperti Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban danHarry Connick, Jr., akan kembali juga, sebagaimana sang host setia, Ryan Seacrest.

Tapi Fox juga mengumumkan jika musim ke-15 juga akan menandakan sebagai musim terakhir dari ajang pencarian bakat yang sudah menelurkan banyak penyanyi kenamaan seperti Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson dan Adam Lambert ini.

Mungkin memang sudah saatnya, mengingat usia show yang lewat dari satu dekade, sehingga terkesan monoton. Dan meski musim terakhir mendapat pujian, namun dari segi rating tidak menunjukkan gelagat yang menggembirakan.

Hal ini tentunya cukup mengagetkan, tidak hanya bagi penonton yang setia bertahun-tahun menyaksikannya, namun juga para alumninya. Berikut tanggapan beberapa dari mereka:

"American Idol changed my life. It was a great way for me to pursue my dreams of being a country music singer and introduce myself to the nation. I am so thankful to the show, the producers, the judges, and the audience for everything they did for me. American Idol has been a dominant force in our pop culture for almost a decade and a half, but all good things must come to an end. I wish everyone involved with the show my best and know they will all continue to do great things.”

-- Scotty McCreery, pemenang season 10

"Idol was groundbreaking television. I am very fortunate to have won the show at the time. Idol changed my life and I am thankful. Looking forward to an entertaining final season."

-- Taylor Hicks, pemenang 5 winner

"They had a great run. And thank you, Idol, because I wouldn’t be here without you."

-- Adam Lambert, runner-up season 8 

"Idol provided many new performers with an opportunity to be heard. Like Bandstand, it will hold a pop culture nostalgia for America long after the studio is dark. I couldn't be more proud to have been part of that."

-- Justin Guarini, runner-up season 1

"American Idol has been in my life since I was 13 years old, and it was my absolute favorite show. It creates the impossible dream that is super-stardom and having a career in the music industry. American Idol makes it possible. I met the most incredible people. I have had so many opportunities from this show and I can't believe that it is ending. I am sad, and I know all good things come to an end, but I am incredibly grateful that I could be part of this beautiful monstrous family that is American Idol."

-- Pia Toscano, season 10

"Every single door that has opened for me in this business, starting with an actual career, is attributed to my experience on season 5! Idol has afforded me so many opportunities, which have taken me all over the world since my tenure on the show, to places I've only dreamed of! I've met some lifelong friends and had lasting relationships with countless people associated with the show over the years. Although I am sad it's coming to an end, I am in debt with gratitude for having been a part of such an incredible run in American television history!"

-- Elliott Yamin, season 5


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