Interview With Charice

Oleh: welly - 06 Dec 2010
Interview With Charice


CHARICE. 27 Oktober 2010, Pasific Place, Jakarta

Sebelum malamnya akan tampil bersama David Foster, Warner Music memberikan waktu untuk interview dengan Charice. Well, Charice adalah satu-satunya pengisi acara yang diberikan sesi wawancara khusus. SoundUp mendapatkan kesempatan untuk interview dengan Charice bersama dengan media-media lain. Meski waktu yang diberikan oleh pihak promotor sangat singkat ditambah dengan interview dilakukan secara round table, namun sosok Charice yang sangat ramah membuat kita semua merasa sangat nyaman. Berikut petikan wawancara yang bertempat di Pasific Place tersebut.

So far, what is the toughest decision in your life?

Mmm I guess my toughest decision was when i thought about giving up. I think that was the hardest part. You know, I love singing, and the time that i was join a competition in Phillippinnes and then I lost, I was like, I guess i’m gonna give up in everything. I really want to win that conpetition to help my mom. We need money from there, but I lost. But after a while i take it back

Who is your biggest influence?

My biggest influence is absolutely my MOM

What is your best moment with your mom?

My best moment... hmmm i guess it was last year. It was mother’s day. I remember when I was younger, I really want to buy her big house and car. And in last mother’s day i give it to her, and she was crying.

How you gonna celebrate the new year this year? And what is your wish for next year?

I really want to spent my new year in Phillippinnes. Because last year i was in the U.S. and i guess it’s time to go back like i was before to spent my New Year In Phillippinnes. My wish for next New Year is me and my family can get more blessing.

How do you feel to take part in a big show like Glee? How’s the audition?

It really great. You know, i am a big fan of that show. I auditioned for it and i was talked about my life story. They even not asked me to sing in this audition and i am thinking that i have to sing, since this show is about singing (:laughing:). And i was like, “can i sing for you??” and they were like “oh sure”.... I was so ready that time, I even brought my laptop and wearing eyeglasses to show that I am fit for the nerdy character.

How about your performance in Alvin and the Chipmunks 2?

I auditioned for it. I am a fan of that movie. The first time i saw the first movie is in airplane, and it was like 15 hours flight, and i just watched it over and over again. I even really listen to the chipmunks voice and try to mimic them. When i auditioned for it I sang two Beyonce song which are Listen and Irreplaceable. And they were so happy about that, then they I asked me ‘what else you can do’ and i was like ‘mmmmm i can mimic their voices’ and i am really mimic their voices in that audition. They just like ‘woooooooowwwwww oooookaaayyyy’. Finally i got the part in the movie. I am play myself actually. It was just little scene but to take part in this movie is really a dream come true.

Can you give us any boys advice?

Hmmmm I don’t know cause I haven’t.

Really?? What is your boy type?

He must have a good sense of humor, because I am a funny person. He also must be responsible and simple..

Final question, 3 things that you can’t live without?

My Laptop, my phone and the other one is hmmmmm my headphone..

By Harry Lesmana, Sound Up!

Thanks to: Warner Music Indonesia, Sound Up!
