LINE Akan Segera Menutup Layanan Streaming MixRadio

Oleh: admincd - 18 Feb 2016

MixRadio merupakan salah satu layanan musik streaming yang cukup populer. Awalnya bernama Nokia Music, kemudian berganti nama seperti yang kita kenal sekarang dan kemudian dilepas Nokia semenjak diakuisisi oleh Microsoft dan kemudian diambil alih layanan aplikasi messenger populer, LINE. Yang awalnya hanya untuk ponsel berbasis Microsoft, kini MixRadio juga bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna iOS dan Android.

Sayangnya ada kabar duka bagi yang menggemarinya, karena ternyata layanan MixRadio akan segera ditutup dalam beberapa pekan kedepan, sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh LINE dalam pernyataanya di bawah ini:

Tokyo, Japan – February 16, 2016 – LINE Corporation, owner and operator of the free call and messaging app LINE, today announced its decision to discontinue the operations of its subsidiary MixRadio Limited. The MixRadio music streaming service will be discontinued in the coming weeks as we work with the technical team and partners to ensure a smooth closure.

•Reasons for Termination of MixRadio Operations

LINE agreed to acquire the business and assets making up the music service known as MixRadio from Microsoft Mobile OY in December 2014. The newly established company continued to provide a radio-style music streaming service intended to provide a broader user experience. Nevertheless, after a careful assessment of the subsidiary’s overall performance, the financial challenges posed by the music streaming market, and priorities of LINE Corporation, LINE has determined that future growth would be difficult to ensure and decided to discontinue the MixRadio music streaming service.

LINE will continue to provide a unique user experience that blends music and communication via its LINE MUSIC service, which is currently available in Japan and Thailand.

LINE and the MixRadio team would like to thank the users of MixRadio for all of their support of the service.

All good things sometimes need to end. Demikian juga sepertinya yang terjadi pada MixRadio. Meski memiliki penggemar yang cukup banyak, namun karena masalah performa dan finansial, tampaknya ia pun harus menyerah dan berakhir.

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